Possibilities for assessing efficiency and accessibility of healthcare

Věda a výzkum

Doba řešení: 1. března 2024 - 28. února 2026
Řešitel: Ing. Adam Šimčík
Pracoviště: Národohospodářská fakulta
Katedra regionálních studií (5070)

Samostatný řešitel
Poskytovatel: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
program: Interní grantová agentura VŠE
Celkový rozpočet: 220 000 CZK
Registrační číslo F5/11/2024
Číslo zakázky: IG507014
Access to quality health care is a complex, universal issue and is now seen as a fundamental human right. Ensuring universally accessible and needs-based healthcare is an integral goal of health policy in many countries around the world. However, due to its nature, the health sector is a segment in which we often encounter (economic) inefficiencies, for which there are a number of scientific arguments. It is not uncommon, even in very advanced economies, to have inefficient design of health infrastructure or inappropriate distribution of doctors and other health personnel. Inter-regional disparities in health care provision are constantly arising, the financing models used do not match needs, negative externalities arise, etc. Access to health services is a multidimensional concept that refers to geographical (time and space availability), economic (affordability), organisational and cultural (acceptability) factors that can facilitate or hinder the use of services.
Policymakers are introducing a variety of tools to counteract inaccessibility or inefficiency in the health sector. Most OECD countries have endorsed as key policy objectives the reduction of health inequalities and the principle of adequate or equal access to health care based on need. However, these policy objectives require an evidence-based approach to measuring progress.
The aim of the project is therefore to map the best and latest scientific approaches and methods used to assess efficiency and accessibility applicable to public services with a focus on health care and its financing, particularly applicable to the Czech environment. The use of these approaches and the application of selected methods will lead to the evaluation of accessibility and efficiency of health services provided in the Czech Republic. The output of the project will be primarily a scientific article published in a peer-reviewed journal with a non-zero impact factor and a presentation of the research results at an international scientific conference.

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